Pre-Con Sessions

201. Develop a Roadmap for AI Conversations in Your School

11:00–4:00 | Pre-Con Session ($49 additional fee required)


This workshop will provide district teams with an overview of the current AI landscape and its impact on education. Teams will work with the WDLC AI Integration Framework for School Districts and receive resources to support future local discussions. Through a collaborative review of model policies, guidelines, and ethical considerations, teams will identify how these connect to their district’s goals and plans. The aim is to enable district stakeholders to have guided conversations and leave with practical next steps. Lunch will be served.

Format:  Hands-on workshop with station rotation; high levels of participant choice and engagement; tangible and actionable take-away

Teams consist of: Teams of 2-5 members per district w/variety in type – doers, decision makers, support personnel (one administrator must be present)

Speakers: WDLC, MIVU, Rita Mortenson & Scott Fernholz 

Room: Suite CDEF

202. Cultivating the Genius of Our Learners

2:00- 4:00 | Pre-Con Session ($49 additional fee required)

Speakers: Beth Clarke, Mark Schwingle, Tamara Mouw and Rudy Bankston

Every child brings their own experiences and funds of knowledge to the learning community, and it’s our job as educators to cultivate their genius! Join us to learn Dr. Gholdy Muhammad’s culturally and historically sustaining literacy framework that centers the learner in instructional design by focusing on students’ identity, skills, intellectualism, criticality, and joy. This session will provide an inclusive learning template that integrates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and technology models within Muhammad’s framework. A toll will be shared to help evaluate bias within curricular and technology resources. This will be a session you will not want to miss!!

Speakers: Beth Clarke, Mark Schwingle, Tamara Mouw  & Rudy Bankston

Speaker Resource Page

Room: Guava/Tamarind

Grades: K-12
Experience Level: Novice
Convention Track: DATL

203. Five Way to use AI in your Professional Educator Practice

2:00-4:00 | Pre-Con Session ($49 additional fee required)

Speakers: Caroline Haebig and Jennifer Schlie-Reed, New Berlin School District

AI this, AI that. It’s everywhere. During this session we will explore practical opportunities for teachers to use AI in order to level-up current best practices in the realm of instructional design, personalized learning and assessment. Concrete strategies, examples, starting point resources, and time to apply and explore will be included. During this session we will explore the innovative possibilities AI tools provide for creating efficiency and ease when it comes to implementing a research-based professional practice. Time to dig in and explore different tools and to develop uses of these tools will be provided.

Speakers: Caroline Haebig and Jennifer Schlie-Reed

Speaker Resource Page

Room: Suite H

204. Identifying and Removing Barriers to Computer Science Learning

2:00-4:00 | Pre-Con Session ($49 additional fee required)

Speakers: Amy Bires, DPI and Colleen Lewis

Understand research to help identify and remove barriers to computer science learning to understand and optimize CS learning. Explore efforts on how classrooms can broaden participation in computing.

Speakers: Amy Bires & Colleen Lewis

Speaker Resource Page

Room: Portia

205. Mastery Unleashed: Transforming Education through Khan Academy District Partnerships and Khanmigo

2:00-4:00 | Pre-Con Session ($49 additional fee required)

Speaker: Jason Feig, Christine Pitts and Stacie Johnson, Khan Academy

Jason Feig

In an era where traditional educational models are being redefined, Khan Academy has emerged as a trailblazer, revolutionizing the way students learn and educators teach. Through strategic district partnerships, Khan Academy has established itself as a cornerstone of progressive educational change with a focus on mastery learning. This session will explain the power of these partnerships and how they foster an environment in which districts can leverage Khan Academy’s rich content and insights to empower both educators and students.

Central to this transformation is the Khanmigo platform, a Khan Academy AI tool that empowers both educators and learners. This session will showcase how Khanmigo empowers learners to take charge of their education by personalizing the learning experience, and how it can save teachers time with valuable insights into student performance and tools to make planning engaging lessons tailored to their students. Join us to explore how Khan Academy is revolutionizing education by putting the power of learning back into the hands of those that matter most.

Khan Academy is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 not-for-profit (nonprofit) organization. Khan Academy materials are available for free at

Speaker: Jason Feig, Christine Pitts & Stacie Johnson

Speaker Resource Page

Room: Wisteria