Session Information
SLATE has over 85 sessions on technology in education meant for a wide variety of educational leaders including Teachers, Principals, Associate Principals, District Administrators, Library Media Specialists, IT Coordinators, Directors of Curriculum and Instruction, and others. All of our sessions are labeled as part of conference tracks and experience levels listed below.
Conference Track
DATL – Digital Age Teaching & Learning: Best practices in academic content areas and technology integration in the classroom.
LPD – Leadership & PD: Leadership, vision and data-informed decision making, and professional development.
Experience Levels
These levels are indicators of the presenter’s general sense of the experience level needed to get the most benefit from the session.
Novice: just beginning to incorporate technology in the classroom and/or use 1:1 technology
Intermediate: interested in discovering additional resources to support student learning and inquiry and/or for maximizing instructional planning and delivery
Advanced: seeking novel ways to use existing technology and/or to maximize transformative teaching and learning experiences and personalized learning environments
Tech Professional: leads, implements and continuously uses technology tools in decision making and all aspects of the job to support school infrastructures to include teaching and learning
Audience Key
DA: District Administrator
SA: School Administrator
CI: Curriculum & Instruction
IC: Instructional Coach
IT: IT Director/Coordinator
TI: Technology Integrators
LMS: Library Media Specialist
GE: Teachers/All Educators